Cycling And City Planning: Exploring The Role Of Bicycling Trails In Urban Development

Cycling is more than just a mode of transportation; it’s a lifestyle choice gaining popularity in urban areas worldwide. As cities grapple with congestion, pollution, and public health, many are turning to bicycles as a solution. Charles Jason Jacob believes one key element of a bike-friendly city is a well-designed network of bicycling trails, also known as bike paths or bike lanes. These trails encourage more people to ride bikes and significantly impact urban development.

Improving Quality Of Life

Bicycling trails are instrumental in enhancing the quality of life in urban settings. By providing safe and accessible routes for cyclists, these trails promote physical activity and reduce car dependence, leading to cleaner air and less traffic congestion. Moreover, well-designed bike paths can improve a city’s aesthetics, making it more appealing to residents and visitors. The presence of these trails encourages a healthier lifestyle and can contribute to a sense of community by providing a shared space for cyclists and pedestrians.

Additionally, bicycling trails offer numerous health benefits to individuals. Cycling is an excellent form of exercise that can help improve cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and overall mental well-being. Regular cycling can also reduce the risk of developing chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. By providing a safe environment for cycling, cities can encourage more people to engage in this healthy activity, leading to a physically fitter population and less prone to lifestyle-related diseases. Overall, bicycling trails contribute significantly to urban residents’ well-being and quality of life.

Promoting Economic Development

Investing in bicycling trails can have far-reaching effects on economic development. Beyond the immediate benefits of construction jobs and trail maintenance, well-maintained bike paths can attract tourists and new residents drawn to the appeal of a bike-friendly environment. Tourists, in particular, may choose destinations with extensive cycling infrastructure, leading to increased spending on local businesses. Additionally, property values tend to rise in areas with well-established bike paths, as homebuyers often see these trails as a desirable feature.

Moreover, businesses located along bike paths can experience a boost in customers and revenue. Cyclists are more likely to frequent local establishments, such as cafes, restaurants, and shops, as they stop along their route. This increased foot traffic can help businesses thrive and contribute to the overall economic vitality of an area. Furthermore, businesses supporting cycling by providing bike racks, repair stations, or discounts for cyclists can attract a loyal customer base and enhance their reputation as socially responsible enterprises. Investing in bicycling trails can positively impact local economies by stimulating business activity and attracting investment.

Creating Sustainable Communities

Incorporating bicycling trails into urban infrastructure is a key component of creating sustainable communities. By promoting cycling as a viable mode of transportation, these trails help reduce the environmental impact of traditional cars and motor vehicles. This shift towards sustainable transportation options can decrease greenhouse gas emissions, helping to combat climate change and improve air quality. Additionally, promoting cycling can reduce the need for new roads and parking facilities, saving cities money and resources that can be allocated to other sustainable initiatives.

Furthermore, bicycling trails can help create more inclusive communities by providing accessible transportation options for all residents, regardless of age or ability. Unlike cars, bicycles are relatively affordable and require minimal maintenance, making them a practical choice for many individuals. By investing in bike-friendly infrastructure, cities can ensure everyone can access safe and convenient transportation, improving overall mobility and reducing social inequalities. Additionally, promoting cycling can help alleviate traffic congestion and improve public health, leading to a more vibrant and resilient community.


Bicycling trails play a crucial role in urban development by promoting physical activity, reducing congestion, and enhancing overall quality of life. Cities that invest in well-designed bike paths benefit economically, socially, and environmentally. As more cities recognize the value of bike trails, the number of bike-friendly communities worldwide will continue to grow.

A Guide to Choosing the Best Gym Flooring for Your Needs

Types of Gym Flooring: Pros and Cons of Each

So you’ve decided to build or upgrade your own home gym – congratulations! That’s a huge step towards achieving your fitness goals and living a healthier lifestyle. But before you start decking out your space with the latest cardio and strength training equipment, there’s an important question you need to answer: what kind of gym flooring are you going to get?  The flooring you choose can make or break your workout experience, and the options out there can be a bit overwhelming. Rubber, foam, wood, turf – how do you know which one is right for your needs?  Not to worry, we’ve got you covered. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the pros and cons of the most popular gym flooring types so you can make an informed choice based on your budget, the activities you do, and style preferences. By the end, you’ll be fully equipped to pick out flooring that will suit your space and fitness routine perfectly. Let’s get started!

Key Factors to Consider When Choosing Gym Flooring

When choosing flooring for your gym, you’ve got options. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each so you can find what’s right for your needs.

Rubber flooring

Rubber flooring, like recycled rubber tiles, is a popular, budget-friendly choice.  It’s slip-resistant, shock-absorbent, and durable. However, rubber can dent over time and may show signs of wear sooner than other options. Rubber also isn’t the most attractive flooring, though many color and pattern options are available. 

Vinyl flooring

Vinyl, or polyvinyl chloride (PVC), flooring comes in sheets or tiles and resists stains, scratches, and moisture. It’s also low-maintenance and affordable. That said, vinyl can dent or tear more easily than other flooring types and may not have the same longevity. Vinyl contains phthalates, chemicals that some studies have linked to health issues, though risks are still being evaluated.

Wood flooring

Wood flooring, like oak or maple, gives gyms a high-end look. Wood is durable but also the most expensive option. It requires regular maintenance like sanding, staining, and lacquering. Wood softens over time and can dent or scratch, though it can often be refinished. Wood may not be suitable for areas with high impact activities.

In the end, the best gym flooring for you depends on your budget, desired durability and longevity, environmental concerns, and the types of activities in your gym. Evaluate each option carefully based on your needs to find flooring your members will enjoy for years to come.

Top Gym Flooring Recommendations for Different Uses

When choosing gym flooring, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. 

First, think about the primary purpose of your gym space. Are you outfitting a cardio area, weight room, aerobics studio or multifunctional area? The flooring needs to suit the activities that will take place. Rubber flooring, for example, provides excellent shock absorption for high-impact zones. Wood or laminate may be better for low-impact areas where you want a natural look.

You’ll also want to consider durability and maintenance. Rubber roll flooring can last 20-30 years with little maintenance but may stain over time. Wood and laminate options require regular cleaning and occasional refinishing but can also last decades. Vinyl planks or tiles are very durable but may need replacement sooner. 

Underfoot comfort and safety are important as well. Rubber, wood and vinyl  can provide comfortable, non-slip surfaces. However, very cushioned rubber may not offer the best balance for weight training. Always choose a floor rated for high-traffic, commercial use.

Finally, appearance and style matter too. From sleek concrete to colorful rubber tiles, there are options to match any decor. Wood and laminate bring warmth while vinyl and rubber offer lots of design choices.  

By weighing the factors that matter most for your needs, you can choose gym flooring that will stand up well, create the right ambiance and keep members safe and happy for the long run. The perfect floor is out there, you just have to determine what really counts!

Benjy Grinberg

How Professional Athletes Are Staying on Top Of Their Mental Health

The dream of many of us is to become a professional athlete who has the world at their feet. What we do not consider when we look to live out this dream is exactly how we will go about getting to the top of the professional sporting world and staying there. Professional athletes are known for their physical abilities, but they spend much of their time training their minds for achieving success. When you are hoping to emulate your favorite professional athletes, you should look to train your mind to become a mental athlete capable of making fast decisions. Benjy Grinberg understands the mental health issues that can affect the most successful in business and sports and believes there is much to learn from athletes.

It’s not all Partying

When young people express their desire to be professional athlete they often look at the lifestyle that is being shown by the athlete on social media and want to enjoy similar affluence. What most of us do not consider is the fact the majority of professional athletes are struggling to maintain this lifestyle by staying at the top of their sporting game.

Benjy Grinberg has struggled with his own mental health problems and has overcome his own issues through hard work and lifestyle changes. Many profesisonal athletes spend hours in isolation trying to perfect their diet and sleep patterns. The image of a professional sports star may be one of parties and fun, but most are asleep early to rise for a workout before seven to start their day. It can be a challenge to mental health to remain committed to the cause of becoming a professional athlete when you are going to bed early and rising early in the morning to stay fit, Playo reports.

Concentrate on Staying Focused

When you are staying focused on your game and want to remain so you are facing a mental battle that is difficult to overcome in a game or when you are practicing. Staying focused on the game is a tough thing to do, but you can do it when you are looking for a better way of climbing to the top of the professional sports sector.

When you concentrate on your game and ignore the distractions around you the opportunity to achieve success will be increased. One of the most common ways of trying to maintain focus is to fight the distractions that are commonplace in sports and affect our mental health. Visualization is one of the top ways of maintaining mental health by making sure we are ready when a problem occurs. Popular Science reports the majority of professional athletes have their parents and coaches provide distractions to allow them to build the strength of mind to overcome any obstacles.

Fighting the Pressures of a Sporting Life

The pressure that can be felt by an athlete can be high, according to Benjy Grinberg. The pressure to remain at the top of their chosen sporting indistry is one of those that leads to many negative thoughts. The concerns you have over your athletic future may have been magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic and made to feel worse than in the past.

Pressure is a difficult part of life to handle and leads to the mental health-related issues of stress and anxiety. When you feel stressed and anxious almost every aspect of your life, from your diet to your sleep patterns and your ability to maintain your success. The pressures faced by professional athletes include the fear of losing their contract, position in a team, or your funding from a sporting body.

When you are looking for the best options for maintaining your mental health, you will struggle to cope with life unless you can handle the pressures you are placed under. Sports Injury Bulletin reports you need to find a balance to ensure you achieve at the highest levels you can over the course of your sporting career. Pleasurable acitivies are often ignored along with the rewards that should follow when you achieve success when more goals are being sought after.

There are many ways we can learn from professional athletes when it comes to mental health, including handling the pressures of life in exceptional circumstances. By taking on a similar way of thinking that leads to a high-performance lifestyle to those lived by professional athletes, mental health is part of living a healthy mental and physical lifestyle.

Nancy Etz

The Benefits Of Hiring A Creative Artists Agency As A Professional Athlete

Professional athletes need an agent or a lawyer to help them with their contracts. However, many professional athletes make more money from outside interests than they do from their teams. You could hire a creative artist agent when you are an athlete, and you might allow that agent to open up the whole world to use. Use the tips below to learn what a non-sports agent can do for you.

Creative Artist Agents Have All The Connections

Someone like Nancy Etz will use their connections in Hollywood, the music industry, and beyond to help you with your career. These agents know people in the creative community, and they can help you get everything from a commercial role to a part in a TV show.

You might be an athlete today, but you cannot play sports forever.

A Creative Artist Agent Knows How To Read A Contract

Your creative artist agent knows how to read a contract. You do not need to worry about losing money when negotiating with a sports team, and your agent can read over every other contract you get. Some people have more than one agent, but you might prefer to consolidate all your agent services to save money.

Creative Artist Agents Think Outside The Box

Sports agents are accustomed to thinking in terms of what sports leagues and athletes do every day. These agents have a default way of doing things, and they may not think creatively. However, your creative artist agent will be very creative when they look at your contracts.

An artist agent might use their connections to enhance your contracts, or they might surprise your team with ideas that they have never heard before. Plus, your agent can complete creative contracts for commercial, record deals, appearances, and even TV/film roles.

Your Creative Agent Can Introduce You To People In Entertainment

If you hire a creative artist agent, they can introduce you to people in the entertainment world. You might get to meet people you have always looked up to, and you can make friends with these celebrities.

Your Creative Artist Agent Can Get You Into Big Parties

While a sports agent can help you get into a party at the Super Bowl or World Series, your creative artist agent can get you into parties at the Grammys, Tonys, Oscars, Golden Globes, and much more. The entertainment world likes to party, and you might get invitations to movie premieres based on your agent’s connections.

This is a good way to meet people in the entertainment world, and you can make your own connections. You will need to know these people when you stop playing sports, and your agent can help you understand how to grow your artist career when you are not playing. Also, you might meet your future spouse at these parties. Someone who works in the entertainment industry understands your schedule, and they will feel comfortable with you because you have your own money.

Creative Artist Agents Will Help You Use Your Time Wisely

A creative artist agent will help you use your time wisely when you are in the middle of the offseason. You can use every hiatus or break in your schedule to appear in music videos, movies, TV, and commercials. A creative artist agent will show you how much work you can do in a year, and you can go to club or bar openings that pay.

A creative artist agent like Nancy Etz will help expand your career outside of sports while you are still playing, and you will be free to stop playing at any time. This is especially important if you have been injured a lot or you play a violent sport like football. The freedom that a creative artist agent gives you allows you to stop playing, make money, and transition to a new career seamlessly.


You should hire a creative artist agent as an athlete when you would like to grow a second career. These agents want to know the type of career you would like to build, and they will help you grow your entertainment career when you are not playing. You need all the connections that these agents can provide, and you should ask these agents if they can help you get into music, movies, or commercials. You can make more money than you do playing a sport, and you will have the freedom to stop playing at any time

nancy behrman communications

Do Athletes Need A Public Relations Firm?

Professional athletes need a public relations firm to help create the best personal brand possible. Professional athletes do not have the time to handle their own PR, and many of them may not feel prepared to manage their public image. There are five tips below that explain why an athlete should work with a PR firm as soon as they get a big contract or become a viral sensation.

1. A PR Firm Can Coordinate With Agents And Lawyers

A PR firm can coordinate with agents and lawyers to manage an athlete’s schedule. Agents expect athletes to show up to team activities, and lawyers may need an athlete to sign off on new contracts with sponsors. The PR team can coordinate with these people to ensure that all of the athlete’s media obligations are honored.

Everyone has a schedule to keep, and the PR firm takes something big off an agent or lawyer’s plate.

2. Athletes Like Partying

Athletes like to party, but a PR firm can help athletes get into the right parties, help manage their public image, and explain how these parties are perceived.

An athlete who insists on partying all the time should ask their PR firm which parties to attend. The PR firm can create social media posts and press releases that explain what the athlete is doing. If athletes are partying in the wrong places, their PR firm can explain why they need to stop.

3. A PR Firm Can Help Showcase The Good Work An Athlete Does

A PR firm will make sure that all the good things an athlete does are publicized. When athletes work with charities, visit hospitals, and donate money, the PR firm will make sure the public knows about it.

Athletes are often perceived as overpaid party animals who have no value in society. A PR firm can show the public that these athletes do good things for the community. Plus, a PR firm can publicize the smallest things that an athlete does. If an athlete helps an old lady cross the street, their PR firm will make sure that story is trending on social media.

4. A PR Team Can Make An Athlete More Marketable

The PR team can work on making an athlete more marketable. Athletes can make more money from sponsors than they making playing sports. However, a PR firm needs to create a public image that makes the athlete a marketable person. The PR firm will take calls from sponsors, and they might create a PR campaign that helps the athlete prepare for a new yogurt commercial or insurance sponsorship.

5. A PR Team Can Keep Athletes Accountable In Crisis Situations

Nancy Behrman Communications suggests that athletes hire a PR firm to handle emergency situations. A PR firm like Nancy Behrman Communications can help athletes understand how to manage a crisis. If the athlete has been caught up in a bad news story, the PR firm can help draft a press release that acts as a response for the athlete.

The PR firm can tell the athlete precisely what to say, and the PR firm can reach out to agents and lawyers to explain how they will handle the situation. Athletes must tread carefully when they slip up in public. A PR firm can tell an athlete what to say when they flip off the crowd after getting kicked out a game A PR firm can draft a statement for the athlete to read at a press conference, and the PR firm will generate positive content to be published online.


Athletes need a PR firm that can help with their public perception throughout the year. A PR firm can help agents and lawyers plan the athlete’s schedule. A PR team can get athletes invites to the best parties, and the PR firm will work on sponsorships for athletes. Plus, a PR firm knows how to respond to a crisis. Athletes should not try to play their game, work out, party, make time for family, and manage their public image a the same time. A public relations firm can even help a disgraced athlete regain the trust of the public no matter the situation

Tech Live Connect

How to Get a Sports Scholarship

High school student-athletes are some of the hardest working college applicants. Tasked with finding a balance between their studies and training, student-athletes aren’t afraid of hard work, self-motivation, or pushing themselves to the limit. For this reason, they’re attractive candidates for colleges and universities around the world.

As a result, many organizations and schools offer student-athletes athletic scholarships. Read on to learn the best tips for finding athletic scholarships.

1. Research What Division Level Fits Your Skill Set

As you prepare to apply for a college scholarship, you’ll need to research each division level. Understanding each division level will help you learn what school is the best fit for you. Research the various NCAA divisions to learn which is the best suited for your skillset. Experts recommend that students be evaluated by third-parties or compare themselves to other college-bound athletes as a way to determine what division they fall under.

After researching division levels, the next step is to find schools that interest you. Organizations like NSCA or Next College Student Athlete recommend that students compile a list of 50 or more schools. Later, you’ll be able to narrow this list down during the recruiting process. When choosing schools for the list, consider location, athletics, culture, and academics.

2. Gather Your Important Information

Before you begin the next step of contacting college coaches, it’s important to gather all your pertinent documents and personal information. Essentially, student-athletes need to create an athletic resume including a skills or highlight video, academic transcripts, standardized test scores, and athletic stats.

With this information together, the next step is to create a list of assistant coaches, head coaches, and recruiting coordinators alongside their contact information. Prepare to reach out to them by cleaning up your social media accounts and updating your profile on LinkedIn.

3. Communicate with College Coaches

Get started communicating and emailing college coaches. When emailing these coaches, remember that they receive several hundred emails a week, so it’s important to make yours stand out so they read it. After two weeks, it’s a good idea to follow up with a phone call.

Experts tell high school athletes to send college coaches emails include their athletic resume, a link to their skills videos, and any other information that will help coaches learn more about them. When typing the subject for your email, share your grade level, your position, your name, and a relevant stat. This quick blurb will quickly catch the eye of a coach looking for a student-athlete just like you.

As you draft emails to the coaches from all the colleges you’re considering, remember to avoid sending a mass email. The best way to stand out from the crowd is to send an individually crafted email that also shares what drew you into their program in the first place.

4. Get Started with the Recruiting Process

During this stage of your college application process, you should be developing relationships with different coaches and learning more about the schools you’re interested in. Additionally, attending combines and camps will help you get in front of the right people from your dream schools. Eventually, schools that have interacted with you will reach out with a recruitment and scholarship offer.

5. Evaluate All Athletic Scholarship Offers

Depending on the schools you’re in contact with, you’ll start to receive various scholarships offers at this time. If a school has a large athletic program, they may even offer you a full-ride. Schools that aren’t able to fund a huge athletic scholarship may over academy or merit-based scholarships like Tech Live Connect. With Tech Live Connect, you’ll earn money to cover the costs of school and other expenses.

If you’re a college athlete, the road to your college career is a long but rewarding one. Make sure you are able to get the best athletic scholarships by taking these tips to heart during your college research and application process

How to Find a Sports Attorney?

If you are in the sports community, in the major leagues, or starting to get to the major leagues, you will most definitely want to consider hiring a Sports attorney sometime in your coming future.

Sad to say, things don’t always work out for many people, and having the right people to defend you when things go south will make that whole ordeal that much easier.

In this article, we have taken the liberty to outline several tips that you can use to learn how to find the best sports attorney for your incident.

If you would like to learn more about finding lawyers or the whole process of what goes on with specific trials, feel free to give Douglas Healy a look.

You will learn more about the law and the legal battles that cost people thousands of dollars.

Understanding the law does not need to be complicated. The more you know, the less you will get swindled.

Now, on to the article.

How to Find a Sports Attorney?

Tip 1: Decide If You Need a Sports Lawyer or Sports Agent

The first thing you must know is that Sports AGENTS and Sports ATTORNEYS are not the same. The sports AGENT is all about marketing and creating your brand. They are all about maximizing your profits.

The Sports ATTORNEY is all about making sure you get your victory if you are ever brought to court.

Now, the SPORTS AGENT is all about making money, and they have no real qualms about dumping you for a better and bigger payoff elsewhere.

AGENTS are about money. ATTORNEYS are about your legal well-being. Keep this in mind and know that the agent is all about business.

This is not to allude to the idea that attorneys are altruistic individuals, but it is a bit more vicious with an agent than with an attorney if things ever go south in the legal realm of things.

Tip 2: Ask Your Family and Friends For Recommendation

You may want to consider asking family or friends if they know a good sports attorney. If you have been doing this for a while, then most likely, you will have a parent or uncle or aunt who will know someone you can reach out to if things ever go south.

Tip 3: Research Attorneys Online

Research. Research. And research. This is going to be the defining factor in you finding the right attorney. There is a great website you can visit called Avvo, which offers you a host of reviews about individual lawyers in your area.

If you are struggling to find a lawyer than we highly recommend that you give this site a look, as this site is widely regarded by many to be the best Lawyer review Site online.

Tip 4: Choose At Least Three Attorneys To Interview

You must start to see the search for a Lawyer as a search for a partner. Don’t just settle on the first person you see. Check out a few people and see who can bring the most and offer you the best service possible.

Interviewing these potential attorneys will help you make the best decision for your hiring process. When you are dealing with legal issues, money (although an important factor) should not be the first thing on your mind.

Tip 5: Ask For Past Cases

It would prove invaluable for you if you can get past cases of the attorneys you are interviewing. By seeing what they can bring to the table, you will be better able, and much more confident, picking the right attorney for you and your case that you may be engaging in.

Tip 6: Compare The Attorneys You Interviewed

After you get the three attorneys, you want to interview, and then get their past cases; you will want to compare the three then.

This will be the most challenging part as they probably will offer something that is unique that will help make your cases that much easier to win.

In this step/tip, you might want to get a second opinion from family or friends on who they believe is the best pick.

Tip 7: Ask About Price

Lastly, ask about the prices to hire them.

Want To Learn More

If you would like tp learn more reach out to Douglas Healy in the link provided above

Daniel Doyle Pleasantville NY Shares How a Mentor Can Help Your Sports Career Take Off

Starting a career in any field can be challenging, especially as a novice with no practical experience. In order to be successful, you will need many things to achieve your goals.

However, if there is one specific resource that can help accelerate your development in any profession, it is a mentor. Mentors can help you in a variety of ways, and when it comes to sports, their leadership can point you in the right direction. You can consult Dan Doyle for further information on this topic.

How Can a Mentor Help You in Sports?

A mentor is highly valuable because they are more likely than not in a place where you are aspiring to reach in a specific field. A mentor has practical experience, the skills necessary to be successful in a specific field and connections that you can use to pursue opportunities.

Successful People Have Mentors

Mentors have immense value, and Daniel Doyle Pleasantville NY can attest to that. First, most successful people in sports have had a mentor of some kind. Most people attribute large portions of their success to someone leading them along the way. Mentors help increases one’s self confidence and can teach not only goal-setting, but what is needed to achieve those goals. You can visit Dan Doyle, who is an expert in the industry, for further elaboration.

Mentors Help You Keep Focused

Another essential aspect of being a mentor is that they can help you maintain focus on achieving a specific goal. Whether it is reaching a specific weight for being able to achieve a certain task in your sport of choice, a mentor will help you focus on the task at hand. It can be easy to be distracted with everything else that may be going on in your life, but if you are looking to be the best of the best, you need to keep your focus on what’s ahead of you. Mentors can provide you with that.

Mentors Provide You With Constructive Criticism

One of the most important things a mentor can do is provide you with constructive criticism. While mentors are there to help and encourage you, they also aren’t there to inflate your ego. The hallmark of a good mentor is the ability to inform you of what you’re doing correctly just as well as what you are doing incorrectly. This is where active listening will be essential on your end. Queens is one area in which you can start to look for guidance in sports.

Some people don’t like being told that they aren’t doing something right, but if you want to be successful in sports, you have to be humble and be willing to accept criticism where it’s warranted. You cannot go through training thinking that you are doing everything correctly. A mentor will be sure to inform you of ways that you can improve your craft. For further information on what a mentor can provide for you, you can visit Daniel Doyle Pleasantville NY for further information.

Mentors can be found anywhere, from Queens to Long Island. If you find the right one for you, you will give your career the head start that it needs

7 Athletes Who Have Had Plastic Surgery

Many people don’t realize exactly how common cosmetic surgery is, especially in Tampa. People want to look their best, and they don’t mind getting a little help from a doctor to achieve that goal. Even athletes with some of the best bodies around will get a touchup. Here are 7 athletes who have had plastic surgery.

1. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

He was once named the sexiest man in the world, so it’s difficult to understand why he would possibly need a plastic surgeon. It seems that even The Rock needed some help. Once he realized his chest was too big, he got liposuction to reduce the size. He admits to the procedure, saying it’s not socially responsible to pretend the look is entirely natural.

2. Eva Marie

This WWE wrestler had quite the body, and she worked hard for it. However, she got a little help in the form of implants. When one leaked, she needed to get an additional procedure.

3. Wes Welker

Many men suffer from the devastating effects of male pattern baldness. Football player Wes Welker was one of these. people. When he noticed that his hair was starting to fall out, he didn’t just sit back and let it happen. He got hair restoration surgery. You can get a full head of hair, too, by talking to the best plastic surgeon Tampa.

4. Rebecca Adlington

Some people have a prominent nose. It’s just how they were born. Adlington, an Olympic swimmer, was one of those people. She eventually went to get her nose shaved down to look less prominent. The difference is obvious. She’s beautiful either way!

5. Nick Diaz

As a MMA fighter, Diaz got hit. A lot. Eventually, these blows started to show on his face. He had pretty severe lacerations on his face until he went to his plastic surgeon. He underwent surgery to get his scars and other signs of injuries reduced, helping him look his opponents in his face.

6. Nikki Bella

Nikki Bella was a professional model for the WWE and model along with her twin sister Brie Bella. They looked almost identical until Nikki decided to get some very noticeable implants. They both still look great. One just has a bigger set of twins.

7. Bruce Jenner

Bruce Jenner was one of the most popular Olympic athletes in the world in his prime. He has had a nose job as well as a face lift. The surgery was quite apparent from the beginning. As we all know, he would eventually continue getting surgery until he became a woman named Kaitlyn Jenner. We hope that he’s finally happy.

Athletes, just like us, want to look their best. When someone isn’t born their version of perfect or time starts to take its toll, they turn to plastic surgery. You can make yourself look better, too! Go to the best plastic surgeon Tampa by going to Farrior Facial Plastic Surgery. Farrior Facial Plastic Surgery in Tampa can do a consultation with you to go over what will help make you look like your best version of you.


The Impact of Allergies on Sports Performance

With athletes mostly playing sports outside, it’s pretty common for them to experience allergies and altered sports performance. The good news is that offices like Premier Allergy and Asthma can help you get your symptoms under control and perform the way you need to. This article is going to look at some of the common symptoms of allergies and talk about the ways in which they impact sports performance.

Nasal Congestion

The first thing that Premier Allergy can help those that have allergies and play sports with is nasal congestion. This is one of the most common symptoms that people with allergies experience. Nasal congestion leads to not being able to breath, which is the last thing someone who plays sports needs. Not only will they not be able to play as long as they need to, but it could lead to things like passing out. Some things that can help alleviate this symptom are: nasal spray or something like menthol rub that will open everything up.


Another common symptom is coughing. This is another issue that can lead to not being able to breath right. The bad thing is that a lot of physical activity can cause coughing to flare up. This means that the person playing the sports might experience coughing fits for the entire time they’re playing. This can also lead to other things happening, such as chest pains or having muscles end up pulled because the person has such violent coughing fits.


Another thing that a company like Premier Allergy and Asthma can help with is sneezing. This symptom is mostly just irritating, but there is also the probability that the player will have to stop in the middle of what they’re doing to let the sneeze out. This is especially bad because the eyes close during the sneeze and contact sports, like football, rely on being able to see your opponent coming at you. The bad thing is that there isn’t really too much that can be done to stop sneezing besides taking medications that are specifically made for that.

Watery/Itchy Eyes

Watery or itchy eyes can cause the person playing sports to have a hard time seeing. As stated before, many contact sports rely on the ability to see. Even if they don’t completely close the eyes, it’s not a good situation because it can result in blurry vision. Most of the time, the player will have to get medications to help stop the itchy or watery eyes. While over the counter medications will sometimes work, some people with severe allergies will need to get a stronger prescription.

Shortness of Breath

One last symptom of allergies that can affect sports performance is shortness of breath. Besides not being able to play for as long as they need to, there’s also a chance that the person can experience things like passing out or chest pains. All of these things are not good and you might have to get some kind of prescription breathing treatment or inhaler to help battle this.

As you can see, these are some pretty common symptoms and they can easily impact the sports player’s abilities to play. Companies like Premier Allergy are trained to help figure out what kind of medications can help you the most and get you back to playing the way you’re used to