Tankless Emergency: Warning Signs Your Hot Water Heater Needs Repair Now

Warning Signs Your Tankless Water Heater Needs Repair

Uh oh, looks like your trusty hot water heater is on the fritz again. When was the last time you gave that thing any thought? Probably the day it was installed, right? Out of sight, out of mind. But now the familiar comforts you’ve come to expect, like a hot shower to start your day or doing dishes without freezing your hands off, are in jeopardy. Before you throw in the towel and call the plumber in a panic, check for these warning signs that could mean your tankless water heater needs repair now. The good news is, many tankless water heater repair issues are fixable if you catch them early. But the bad news is, ignore the warnings for too long and you’ll be stuck taking cold showers for who knows how long waiting for a replacement. Don’t get caught unprepared – know what to look for so you can take action fast. Your hot water heater will thank you, and so will your next hot shower.

How Often Should You Service Your Tankless Water Heater?

If your tankless water heater is acting up, don’t ignore the warning signs. It’s better to call a plumber for repairs now before the problem gets worse. 

•No hot water. If hot water isn’t flowing from your faucets, your tankless heater could have an issue with the burner, sensors or igniter. Have a technician check it out right away. 

•Water is lukewarm. If the water temperature isn’t quite hot enough, it’s likely a problem with the heating elements or thermostats. Parts may need replacement to get your water heater firing on all cylinders again. 

• Strange sounds. Clanging, banging or popping noises usually indicate a problem with the burner, igniter or other internal components. Don’t run the risk of further damage—call for service immediately.  

• Higher utility bills. If your gas or electric bill has spiked recently, it could be a sign your tankless water heater isn’t running efficiently. It’s best to have it checked by a professional to determine if repairs or replacement are needed. 

• Water leaks. Leaking or dripping water around the unit could signal a problem with the heat exchanger, plumbing connections or other critical parts. Water damage is nothing to mess around with, so call a plumber right away.  

• Error codes. If your tankless water heater is displaying diagnostic error codes, it means there’s an issue with the system that requires troubleshooting and repair to fix. Note any codes being shown and pass that info along to your plumber or technician.

Don’t ignore the warning signs—get your tankless water heater checked out at the first sign of trouble. Schedule repair or replacement service right away to avoid being left out in the cold without hot water. Your plumber can get your on-demand system up and running properly again.

Finding a Professional for Tankless Water Heater Repair

If you want your tankless water heater to provide an endless supply of hot water for years to come,  regular maintenance is key. 

How often should you service your tankless water heater? 

Tankless water heaters are durable, but to keep everything in working order and prevent costly repairs down the line, plan on servicing your unit once a year.   A qualified technician can thoroughly inspect your tankless water heater to identify any issues early on.  They will:

– Check all connections and ensure there are no leaks.  Catching leaks or loose fittings right away can prevent water damage. 

– Inspect the heat exchanger for any cracks or corrosion and flush out built-up sediment to maintain efficiency.   Too much buildup reduces heating power and wastes energy.

– Test all safety mechanisms like flame sensors, temperature sensors and pressure relief valves.  These components prevent overheating, ensure proper venting and regulate water flow. 

– Vacuum and clean the air intake vent to allow for proper airflow.  Clogged vents can be a fire hazard. 

– Descale the unit by flushing it with a commercial limescale remover to prevent mineral buildup.  Scale buildup reduces heating capacity and efficiency over time.

While professional servicing may seem like an unnecessary  expense, it’s a worthwhile investment for safe, economical and long-lasting operation of your tankless water heater.  Think of it as an insurance policy against costly breakdowns and repairs.  With annual maintenance, your tankless water heater can provide hot water for 15-20 years or more.

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