Lindsay Guion Martial Arts

Lindsay Guion Shares an Overview of Martial Arts

Finding the right Martial Art as a beginner is quite simple, but there are some forms that your body may not agree with or styles that are too challenging. This is a guide based on dedicated artist, Lindsay Guion, Founder, CEO, and Chairman of GUION PARTNERS, that has mastered several of the arts mentioned below, to help you understand the different types of Martial Arts and preparing yourself to move forward with whichever style you may choose. Are there challenges? Of course. Will there be soreness, a few bruises, miss stepping? Yes, there will be. Having the drive and ambition to strive through any Martial Arts style will have you exiting the beginner stages before you know it.


Martial Arts are a series of combat movements and striking methods toward an opponent. This is considered self-defense, which started in the early 1550s both in East Asia and Europe. Many understand the forms from accomplished artists such as Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li. These are the stars that mainly get others motivated to want to begin Martial Arts. The list doesn’t stop there. Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson, Connor McGregor practice a boxing type of Martial Arts.

Most Popular Forms:

There are hundreds of different forms of Martial Arts. Understanding each as a beginner will help guide you to finding your passion. Below are a few of the most popular forms of Martial Art to help beginners choose a path to follow.

1. Judo
Judo began in Japan as a competition sport that over time became its own distinct Martial Art. This form focuses on teaching you to throw or overpower your opponent and receive points. This requires balance and proficient technique to execute. This form does not involve striking techniques.

2. Kickboxing
Kickboxing is perfect for many people because it can be a part of a fitness routine, body toning, self-defense, or as a sport. Striking movements are part of this form. Attacking your opponent swiftly receives points. Outside of the sport, it is a solo conditioning that includes kicks, disarming, punches, knee hitting, and occasionally headbutts. Regardless of the form, this does take body conditioning and constant training.

3. Karate
Karate began in Japan and is very popular in the western hemisphere. Grappling, kicking, punches, and a series of swift hand movements are used to disarm your opponent. Having control within the stance is important to keep your balance. This form has several levels from white belt to black belt. This style is also great for strengthening the body.

4. Aikido
Aikido is a Japanese Martial Art that is solely self-defense based. There is not striking within this form. Vulnerability is the focus with this form as the attacker should be able to identify when their opponent is weakening and becoming unfocused. Steven Seagal is a famous actor and artist who practices this form. This form consists mainly of grappling and joint locks.

5. Taekwondo
Taekwondo is a popular Korean Martial Art. This form allows for striking and self-defense or fitness. This style focuses on the proper techniques of quick hand movements and kicks up to the waist. Being quick, focusing on your balance and endurance will help greatly with this form. Mental focus is also very important with this form of Martial Art and can be improved with continuous training.

6. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu has been seen in movies and in popular video games such as Tekken. Originating out of Brazil, this form consists of choke holds, grappling, striking and aggressive movements. Understanding two gravities – your opponent and your own – is a key element in mastering Jiu-Jitsu. This is a more violent form than similar styles, but very effective when it comes to self-defense. There are also beginner classes that focus more on grappling and throw movements.

7. Traditional Boxing
Traditional Boxing is a western sport and the boxers are known for their swift movements and ability to seamlessly dodge their opponent and deliver an attack. Boxing is a combination of speed and opportunity. Learning how to properly punch from the body takes time to accomplish, but the beginning stages are great because of the condition and understanding the mind and body goes through. This is also perfect body toning training for anyone.

8. Wrestling
Wrestling isn’t recognized by many as a Martial Arts style because of the TV portrayal. In fact, it is a popular Martial Art form especially in schools and extracurricular activities. Let’s remove WWE and focus on the actual combat that is considered one of the oldest forms from Europe. Grappling is a large portion of this form as well as pinning your opponent.

9. Krav Maga
Krav Maga is derived from Israel. The purpose of this style is mainly focused on street fighting. Moves taught in Jiu Jitsu such as grappling are used in this form as well. A combination of different styles such as Karate and boxing are implemented in this form. Striking movements and boxing punches are executed to takedown your opponent. This is a style that is not for the faint of hearts. Although the point is to eliminate your opponent, there are classes that are more focused on self-defense techniques that are on the disarming spectrum instead. This is a great self-defense style for women or men who do not feel safe in their surroundings or environment.

10. Muay Thai
Muay Thai is form Thailand and executes several striking movements such as punches and kicks in an attacking manner. This sport is often categorized as violent, but it is great for self-defense because of the excellent kicking technique with a force behind it. Muay Thai is the backbone of MMA which is Mixed Martial Arts. That is because of the different style tactics placed into one form.

Legitimate Places

When it comes to deciding on the facility, instructor, or coach to train and work with it is important to understand where their knowledge comes from. Countless dojos pop up around the world and there are techniques that shouldn’t be practiced because they can harm the student more than intended. Look at certificates and don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Martial Arts can be great and demanding on the body. Lindsay Guion expresses how important is as a beginner to know your limits and voice them when needed to help you through your beginner training. Most importantly, go with whichever style drives you as well as what is best for your body. A skilled coach or instructor will not push you over what your body limits are.

Hunter Law Group Explains What To Do After A Fall

Caution Sign
A workplace accident can occur anywhere. It’s important to know how to handle the situation before it happens.

Workplace injuries or personal injuries are sometimes unavoidable. It is estimated that there are 4000 fatalities in the workplace, and this occurs in jobs that are classified as “high risk” or dangerous. One of the most common types of accidents are falls, which can have debilitating effects on the worker and the people they support. According to Hunter Law Group, a well-known legal company in Tampa, Florida, there are many common reasons why people suffer from workplace accidents:

  • There is human error on the part of the worker. Although there are safety guidelines implemented, stress and lack of guidance may cause a worker to fail to follow these instructions. In this case, an accident may occur.
  • Unsafe working conditions may be present. Some types of jobs are higher-risk for accidents and deaths than others. One in five workplace accidents happen in the construction industry, which is considered a dangerous workplace.
  • There are not enough safety guidelines implemented by the company. Some companies fail to establish certain safety guidelines, conditions, and procedures when in fact this must be the first thing they should do before operations.

Did you suffer from a fall in the workplace? Hunter Law Group suggests following these step-by-step instructions to guide you in your actions and be well-compensated for your accident.

What To Do After A Fall


  1. Contact police and emergency services

In the event of an accident, it is important to call the police or dial 911 right away. This is essential if you had serious injuries. If this is not possible, ask someone to call the police for you. The dispatcher will call the nearest emergency services to assist you in the accident and bring you to the nearest hospital when needed. If you sustained non-serious injuries, you can call the police hotline so that they can go to the scene of the accident and record their findings. The police report will help you strengthen your case towards filing a workplace injury compensation.

Once police approach your workplace, they will start to take note of the incident. They might issue traffic tickets to you or any involved parties if it’s a car accident. They can record statements, take pictures, and further file a police report about the accident. The police report can affect your lawsuit and insurance claims by strengthening the case of the incident, especially if you’re not at fault.

  1. Ask information about the incident

Another useful thing to do after your fall is to ask other people about the incident. This is helpful if you have witnesses to your accident. Get information from them about what happened, as this may help you fix the puzzle pieces together to further strengthen your case. If they are willing to be witnesses to the accident, get their contact details as well. Sometimes, witnesses can be helpful as some people appear to be disoriented or may have problems in their memory during the accident.

You can also collect information by yourself by taking the picture of the scene using your smartphone or camera. Note the time, date, and any other workplace conditions that you think influenced the accident. Also, add additional information that you think may be useful when you file a lawsuit for your fall.

  1. Find the right medical treatment right away

After your fall, you may or may not need emergency services. It is important to give out your insurance information as soon as possible as to prevent out-of-pocket expenses. You may also need to request copies of your medical results, treatment receipts, scans, and all other documents provided to you by the clinic or hospital. If this is not possible, you can request the administration to send these documents directly to your insurance company. Also, ask for patient copies of your receipts as this will help you file a personal injury lawsuit.

Do not wait before seeking medical treatments. Some falls may not look serious, but they might actually present symptoms like internal hemorrhaging. If you think that you need medical treatment for what appears to be a minor injury, seek help right away. This might save your life, and it will also help the insurance company cover your claim. Some insurance companies deny claims of patients who waited too long after the accident.

  1. Seek the help of a personal injury attorney

Once the insurance claim is settled, you will be able to be in touch with the claims adjuster who might be looking into your medical and police records of the accident. During this time, they may ask you and the other parties involved in the claim for their respective statements. It is advisable not to give a recorded statement to the insurance company before your lawsuit, as this might affect your claim. Hunter Law Group advises looking for an experienced personal injury attorney in your area. If you live in the Tampa, Florida area, you can find services by searching personal injury attorney Tampa.

Nobody expects to be involved in an accident. When you have suffered from personal injuries, make sure to follow these steps and you will have a high chance of succeeding in your insurance claim and lawsuit.


Andrew Knight New Canaan

Get In Shape Before Summer With These Next Level Fitness Tips

Andrew Knight New Canaan
The summer will be here before you know it and with summer comes the sun and the beach. The need for that beach body comes around every year. During the winter months, we tend to pack on a few extra pounds here and there. It is that time to start thinking about getting back in shape. There are a few tips that expert Andrew Knight New Canaan says will help anyone get fit before summer.

Make Goals to Reach

It is good to set goals for yourself while you are starting to get in better shape. These don’t have to be the type of goal that decreases your size. Shedding pounds is not the only way to get into shape. Being fit is more than being skinny. A goal can be to exercise more or to get more energy in the day to exercise. Set a goal on how long to work out a week. Another good goal to set is healthier eating habits. Make sure no matter what the goal is that it is realistic. You want to make sure that it is a goal that you can keep.

Follow a Routine

Set out a routine for you to follow. It is important to have this routine so that you know what you are doing at all times. If you have a routine to follow then you are more likely to exercise more. There are different routines for different people. What works for someone else may not work for you. Mix it up a little and find one that adapts well to your lifestyle. If it is designed for you then it is more likely that you will follow it.

Challenge Yourself

Push yourself to the limit. Remember when you push yourself that you don’t push yourself too far. There is no reason to push yourself to injury. Your body will tell you when enough is enough. Make sure to listen to it.

Take it one step at a time

You need to make sure that you are increasing your workout slowly. Make sure that it is at a good pace though. You can injure yourself if you push too much. Gradually increase the speed on the treadmill or the incline. Make sure you stretch before doing anything as well as do a cool down.

Drink more water

Yes. You have heard the saying that you need to drink plenty of water. It is true. Drinking more water can help to maintain your body’s fluids where they should be. A human body is filled with 60% of water. Drinking plenty of water can help a person stay hydrated and have less joint pain. It can also help to flush out toxins and bacteria that can be harmful to the body. Keeping fluids in the body is especially important during exercise. This is because it keeps you from losing too much fluid. As we sweat we need to replenish our body of the fluids it is losing. Our bodies tell us when they are hungry. Although we could think it is food our bodies are craving, it can sometimes be just the need for water. You should be drinking many glasses of water a day.

Eat more green

What we put into our bodies can make a lasting effect. That candy bar can go a long way. It can cause chaos on many systems throughout the body. Leafy greens are some of the best things that you can eat. Greens give more nutrients than many vitamins. In fact, they are packed with different vitamins. These include A, C, K and E. They also have a ton of minerals like calcium, potassium, manganese, and magnesium. The last thing that greens are full of is fiber. There are many different ways to eat greens. They are even added to smoothies.

Explore and exercise

There are many things that can make your exercise feel refreshing and rejuvenating. Andrew Knight New Canaan likes to think that finding that one special spot to work out in can help to push a person. He believes that no matter where you are in the world it is a great place to work out. There is a spot designed especially for the workout that you need. You just have to find it. His website shows all the beautiful places that he has been. It will also give pointers on how to make any place a great place to work out.

There are many things that can help you get ready for the summer. Although it can seem like its months away, it will be here before you know it. Get ready to get fit for the summer with these quick and easy tips to follow.

John Pryor: How Rugby Has Changed

You may not know this but I’ve been a fan of Rugby for many years. They aren’t the Giants, but I can appreciate any group of people dedicated to training hard and getting the job done. Today, I’ll be talking about just that. A man named John Pryor is an excellent example of the type of people needed behind the scenes that are shaping the face of sports.

John Pryor is the conditioning coach for the Japan Rugby Union. He also is the director of JointAction Group. With John Pryor heading these organizations, there has been a massive growth within both. He utilizes strategies that are goal oriented and have high expectations. His strength is his ability to conduct research in the field of bio-mechanics and physiology. This enables him to approach training based on specific individual circumstances. He is responsible for the development of the training programs for the Japan Rugby Union. His programs yield the best gains possible for team members.

His training is specialized just for Rugby. It has been a key factor in Japan’s recent success at international meets. After Japan defeated South Africa in the World Cup, his program was considered a major contributor to their program.

As the director of JointAction Group, his expertise enables this company to make great strides in the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries. With his knowledge of training and the application of biomechanics to competition, JointAction encourages him to develop strategies for reducing injuries within the work place. He uses nutrition, training, and the recovery process so workers are healthier and more productive while also reducing the risk of work injuries.

John Pryor earned a Masters Degree in Health Science in biomechanics at Southern Cross University. He found value in research and this enabled him to develop new strategies and methodologies in training programs. He also had previously worked with the Australian Rugby Union as a strength and conditioning coach. His philosophy stresses specialized training optimizes performance.

To learn more, visit his LinkedIn page.