Is There Such A Thing As Brushing Too Often?

Many people have come to believe that brushing your teeth as frequently as you can is synonymous to good dental health. Although it is common that people who brush their teeth regularly have impeccable smiles, it is not right to say that brushing as often as you can equate to healthy teeth.

What gives? Dr. Karl Jobst DDS Grove OK, a dental practitioner, helps us to understand first the benefits of brushing your teeth at least once or twice a day:

  • Removal of plaque – when people brush their teeth regularly, it removes the presence of plaque which causes tooth decay and an unsightly appearance.
  • Prevents tooth decay – food particles stuck between teeth when mixed with saliva is a breeding ground for bacteria that causes tooth decay. Tooth decay is known not only to cause pain and loss of teeth, it can also lead to even more serious health problems.
  • Helps get rid of bad breath – aside from keeping your teeth clean, having mint-flavored toothpaste also gets rid of bad breath. This is helpful if you often suffer from a case of dry mouth or you often eat spicy and savory dishes.

The key to maintaining your teeth is brushing regularly, but not brushing too often. The simple answer to the question is yes, there is such a thing as overbrushing your teeth. Dr. Karl Jobst DDS Grove OK explains to us the effects of brushing your teeth too often.

Is There Such A Thing As Brushing Too Often? The Effects of Overbrushing


  1. Overbrushing strips off your tooth’s enamel, causing more discoloration

Brushing your teeth too often and too hard can cause the enamel to break down. Enamel is the substance that protects the inner layers of your teeth. If this breaks down, it exposes the inner layers and causes tooth abrasion. One of the bad effects of abrasion is that it takes away the tooth’s ability to deflect stains. When you eat food with strong colors, such as tea, coffee, and heavy soups or sauces, you are prone to more tooth discoloration when you suffer from weakened enamel.

  1. Brushing your teeth too often can also cause sensitive teeth

Additionally, the breakdown of enamel can also cause sensitive teeth. This is evident if you attempt to drink hot or cold food. It may be painful to try to bite into some food or sip some drinks when they come in contact with your teeth. To prevent this, use a toothbrush with soft bristles and don’t brush your teeth more than 2-3 times daily.

  1. Overbrushing can lead to sensitive gums that lead to gingivitis

The pressure you put on your gums and teeth with brushing can also push your teeth back, exposing the sensitive part of the gums. This condition is called gingivitis, which is inflammation of the gums. Overbrushing can lead to more frequent gum bleeding and can even be the cause of future oral infections.

  1. Brushing your teeth too much can also lead to tooth damage

When something is done too much, it tends to be the cause of damage. Excessive toothbrushing can also lead to serious tooth damage. You may increase your risk of having chipped or brittle teeth if you suffer from other conditions such as a sensitive tooth, or teeth grinding. It is advisable to consult your dentist about oral care options if you have other co-conditions.

When it comes to brushing your teeth, moderation is still key. Oral health is not just about what you are supposed to do, it is also about knowing how much or how often you are supposed to do it.