What Is Candida Overgrowth and Why You May Need a Cleanse

You’ve been feeling a bit off lately and can’t quite put your finger on why. The fatigue has set in, you’re craving sugar like never before, and that annoying rash just won’t go away. There’s a good chance you’ve got an overgrowth of candida in your system, my friend. The good news is there are some natural supplements that can help get you back on track in no time. Candida is a fungus normally found in small amounts in your gut, but certain factors like a diet high in sugar and carbs or chronic stress can cause it to grow out of control. Here are the top supplements to add to your candida cleanse regimen and get your healthy gut microbiome back in balance.

The Best Herbal Supplements for Your Candida Cleanse

Candida overgrowth happens when there’s an imbalance in your gut bacteria and yeast levels get out of control. Some signs you may have too much candida include fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, and skin problems. The good news is you can get your gut health back on track with candida cleanse supplements

A candida cleanse typically involves making some dietary changes, taking supplements to rebalance your gut bacteria, and avoiding foods that feed yeast overgrowth. Some of the best supplements for candida include:

•Probiotics: Helpful bacteria to restore balance in your gut microbiome. Look for a high-quality probiotic with at least 50 billion CFUs and strains like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium. 

•Garlic: Garlic has natural antifungal properties and helps boost your immunity. You can take odorless garlic capsules or add more raw garlic to your diet. 

•Oregano oil: Oregano oil contains compounds that help kill candida and other harmful organisms. Look for enteric-coated capsules that will pass through your stomach acid. 

•Digestive enzymes: Help properly break down foods so your gut isn’t overloaded. Enzymes like bromelain and peppermint can aid digestion and reduce inflammation in the gut. 

•Caprylic acid: Derived from coconuts, caprylic acid helps break down the cell walls of candida and other yeasts. It comes in capsule form and is especially useful for a candida detox.

Following a candida diet, taking the right supplements, staying hydrated, and giving your gut time to heal can help overcome a candida overgrowth and restore balance. Be patient through the process, even when the candida die-off causes unpleasant symptoms. Your gut health and overall wellbeing will be worth it!

Probiotics and Antifungals: Must-Have Supplements for Beating Candida

To successfully cleanse your body of candida overgrowth, supplementing with some key herbal allies can help.

Oregano oil

Oregano oil is a natural antifungal powerhouse. Look for supplements containing at least 70% carvacrol, oregano oil’s active antifungal compound. Take 3-5 drops, 2-3 times per day in water. The strong taste can be unpleasant, so you may want to start with just 1-2 drops at first.

Caprylic acid

Caprylic acid, a fatty acid found in coconut oil, penetrates yeast cell membranes to kill the candida fungus. Typical dosage is 1,000 to 2,000 mg, 3 times per day with food. For some, caprylic acid may cause digestive upset, so start with a lower amount and work your way up.

Pau d’arco

The bark of the pau d’arco tree has antifungal properties to help combat candida overgrowth.  Recommended dosage is 2 grams, 3 times per day. Pau d’arco can be taken in capsule or tea form. 


Berberine is an alkaloid compound with strong antifungal effects against candida albicans.  A dosage of 500 mg, 2-3 times per day is a good place to start. Look for supplements containing berberine HCl or berberine sulfate. Berberine may interact with some medications, so check with your doctor.


Supplementing your candida cleanse with these herbal allies, in addition to a candida diet and probiotics, can help rebalance your gut flora and beat your candida overgrowth once and for all. Staying dedicated and patient through the process will pay off with renewed health and vitality.

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