5 Key Benefits of Prioritizing Mental Health and Wellness

In an era where life seems to accelerate with each passing day, taking the time to prioritize mental health and wellness has never been more crucial. This necessity transcends mere self-care weekends; it’s about integrating practices that promote psychological resilience and well-being into our daily lives. Acknowledging the significance of mental health improves individual quality of life and has positive ripple effects on communities and workplaces. Johanna Altman advocates that prioritizing mental health and wellness is crucial. 

Improved Quality of Life

Focusing on mental health cultivates a sense of inner peace and satisfaction, laying the foundation for an improved overall quality of life. When individuals invest time in their mental well-being, they often experience heightened emotional balance and clarity, positively impacting their relationships, careers, and decision-making processes. It enables a person to draw upon a sense of contentment and purpose, reducing feelings of stress and anxiety that can overshadow life’s enjoyment.

A robust mental state can enhance one’s ability to cope with adversity, allowing for better stress management and quicker recovery from inevitable setbacks. It bolsters resilience, as a strong mental attitude is crucial for facing challenges with a problem-solving mindset rather than being overwhelmed. This mental fortitude benefits the individual by fostering a deeper appreciation for life’s positive aspects. It contributes to a more harmonious society as individuals become better equipped to support others in their communities.

Enhanced Relationships

Enhancing one’s mental health directly and profoundly impacts relationships with others. A person who prioritizes their mental well-being tends to exude positivity and empathy, which are transferable traits that foster meaningful connections. Individuals in a good mental space can actively listen, exercise patience, and express genuine concern for the people around them – be it family, friends, or colleagues. These strengthened communication skills result in more fulfilling and supportive interactions, further solidifying the bonds within personal and professional relationships.

Moreover, a sound mental state equips individuals to manage interpersonal conflicts constructively. Rather than succumbing to emotional impulses, they can approach disagreements with a clear and calm mindset, seeking resolution and understanding. This ability to navigate the complexities of human interactions deepens existing relationships and attracts new connections, as people are naturally drawn to those who project confidence, warmth, and stability. Thus, the cycle of mental well-being and positive relationships reinforces itself, creating an ever-widening circle of social support that further enhances mental health.

Increased Productivity and Performance

Prioritizing mental health and wellness also has tangible benefits in terms of productivity and performance. Research has shown that individuals prioritizing their mental well-being are more focused, motivated, and efficient in their work. A healthy mental state allows for better concentration, decision-making, and creative thinking.

Moreover, investing in one’s mental health can also prevent burnout and reduce absenteeism. By maintaining a healthy work-life balance and taking the necessary breaks to recharge, individuals can avoid the negative effects of chronic stress and exhaustion, resulting in higher productivity and job satisfaction. This is beneficial for individuals and organizations as they experience increased efficiency and reduced turnover rates among their employees.

Better Physical Health

One of the lesser-known benefits of prioritizing mental health and wellness is its impact on physical health. Numerous studies have shown that a strong mind-body connection exists, meaning one’s mental state can significantly influence one’s physical well-being. Chronic stress, anxiety, and depression are linked to an increased risk of various health conditions such as heart disease, gastrointestinal issues, and weakened immune systems.

Individuals can reduce their risk of developing these health issues by prioritizing mental health and implementing wellness practices such as meditation, exercise, and healthy eating habits. Additionally, a healthy mind can aid in the recovery process for physical ailments, as it promotes a positive mindset and resilience in the face of illness or injury.

Resilience During Adversity

Finally, prioritizing mental health and wellness equips individuals with the ability to bounce back from adversity. Life is full of unexpected challenges and setbacks, but a strong mental state can provide individuals with the tools to overcome these obstacles.

When faced with adversity, those who prioritize their mental health are better able to tap into their inner strength and resilience. They have a more optimistic outlook, allowing them to see the silver lining and find opportunities for growth and learning amidst difficult situations. This mental toughness also allows individuals to seek and receive support from their social networks, further aiding their ability to cope with adversity.


Prioritizing mental health and wellness is not a luxury but a necessity, with wide-ranging benefits that touch every aspect of life. The advantages are profound and pervasive, from enhancing daily happiness to strengthening relationships, boosting workplace productivity, improving physical health, and cultivating resilience. It’s time every individual takes actionable steps toward mental health and wellness, forging paths toward a more fulfilling, balanced, and resilient life.

Direct Care Work: What Is a Caregiver and How to Build Your Support Network

What Is a Direct Care Worker? Defining the Role and Responsibilities

You give so much of yourself as a caregiver, but who’s supporting you? What is a direct care worker when they aren’t getting the support they need? When you dedicate your time to helping a loved one with daily living, it can feel lonely and isolating. You need to build your own support network so you have people to turn to when things get tough. Don’t wait until you’re burned out and struggling to ask for help. Start now by connecting with local resources and support groups designed specifically for people in your role. They get what you’re going through and can offer empathy, advice, and practical tips for navigating this difficult job. You’re not alone, so reach out and get the backup you need and deserve. There are many ways to find support if you just open yourself up to accepting it. Your loved one depends on you, so make sure to depend on others too.

Locating Caregiver Support Groups and Resources in Your Community

As a direct care worker, your role is to provide daily assistance and support  for people who need help due to age, illness, or disability. Your responsibilities can include:

– Helping with personal care like bathing, dressing, grooming

– Assisting with meals and feeding clients

– Helping with mobility by escorting clients and helping them move around

– Administering medications as prescribed by doctors

– Monitoring health conditions and reporting any issues to  nurses or physicians

– Providing companionship and emotional support through conversation and social interaction

– Assisting with light housekeeping like laundry, cleaning, and errands

To do this job well, you need patience, compassion, and a genuine desire to help others. While the work can be demanding, it is also rewarding. Many find lasting relationships and a sense of purpose.

The specific duties and level of care required will depend on each client and their needs. Some may need 24-hour care and monitoring, while others only a few hours of help each week with chores and errands. It is important to understand the care plan for each client to provide the appropriate support. 

With the aging population, the demand for direct care workers is growing. However, it is often a difficult job, both physically and emotionally. That is why self-care and utilizing available resources is so important. Connecting with other caregivers in support groups can help reduce stress, provide tips, and create community. Overall, being a direct care worker can be a meaningful vocation for those willing to open their heart to helping others.

Building Your Network: Connecting With Other Caregivers for Advice and Assistance

Connecting with others who understand what you’re going through can make a world of difference. Check with local senior centers, places of worship, hospitals, and non-profit organizations to find caregiver support groups in your area. These groups allow you to share experiences, exchange advice, and lean on each other for emotional support.

You might also look for community resources like meal delivery programs, transportation services, and respite care. Don’t be afraid to ask – many are available at little or no cost. Some options to explore:

– Meals on Wheels and similar programs deliver nutritious meals right to your door.

– Paratransit services provide door-to-door transportation for medical appointments and errands. 

– Adult day care centers give you time to run errands, work, or just rest while your loved one socializes and participates in activities.

Online Resources

The internet is also a great place to find help. Websites like CaregiverAction.org, Caregiver.org, and Eldercare.gov offer support group directories, educational resources, and the latest information on available assistance programs in your state. Connecting online can be especially useful if leaving the house is difficult.

Don’t forget about nonprofit organizations in your area that support those with your loved one’s condition or disability. They may offer specialized resources and guidance tailored to your unique situation. 

You may feel alone, but in reality, there are many resources and a whole community of people ready to help. Reach out – you deserve the support, and your loved one deserves the best care you can provide. Building your network will help make that possible.

What Is Candida Overgrowth and Why You May Need a Cleanse

You’ve been feeling a bit off lately and can’t quite put your finger on why. The fatigue has set in, you’re craving sugar like never before, and that annoying rash just won’t go away. There’s a good chance you’ve got an overgrowth of candida in your system, my friend. The good news is there are some natural supplements that can help get you back on track in no time. Candida is a fungus normally found in small amounts in your gut, but certain factors like a diet high in sugar and carbs or chronic stress can cause it to grow out of control. Here are the top supplements to add to your candida cleanse regimen and get your healthy gut microbiome back in balance.

The Best Herbal Supplements for Your Candida Cleanse

Candida overgrowth happens when there’s an imbalance in your gut bacteria and yeast levels get out of control. Some signs you may have too much candida include fatigue, brain fog, digestive issues, and skin problems. The good news is you can get your gut health back on track with candida cleanse supplements

A candida cleanse typically involves making some dietary changes, taking supplements to rebalance your gut bacteria, and avoiding foods that feed yeast overgrowth. Some of the best supplements for candida include:

•Probiotics: Helpful bacteria to restore balance in your gut microbiome. Look for a high-quality probiotic with at least 50 billion CFUs and strains like Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium. 

•Garlic: Garlic has natural antifungal properties and helps boost your immunity. You can take odorless garlic capsules or add more raw garlic to your diet. 

•Oregano oil: Oregano oil contains compounds that help kill candida and other harmful organisms. Look for enteric-coated capsules that will pass through your stomach acid. 

•Digestive enzymes: Help properly break down foods so your gut isn’t overloaded. Enzymes like bromelain and peppermint can aid digestion and reduce inflammation in the gut. 

•Caprylic acid: Derived from coconuts, caprylic acid helps break down the cell walls of candida and other yeasts. It comes in capsule form and is especially useful for a candida detox.

Following a candida diet, taking the right supplements, staying hydrated, and giving your gut time to heal can help overcome a candida overgrowth and restore balance. Be patient through the process, even when the candida die-off causes unpleasant symptoms. Your gut health and overall wellbeing will be worth it!

Probiotics and Antifungals: Must-Have Supplements for Beating Candida

To successfully cleanse your body of candida overgrowth, supplementing with some key herbal allies can help.

Oregano oil

Oregano oil is a natural antifungal powerhouse. Look for supplements containing at least 70% carvacrol, oregano oil’s active antifungal compound. Take 3-5 drops, 2-3 times per day in water. The strong taste can be unpleasant, so you may want to start with just 1-2 drops at first.

Caprylic acid

Caprylic acid, a fatty acid found in coconut oil, penetrates yeast cell membranes to kill the candida fungus. Typical dosage is 1,000 to 2,000 mg, 3 times per day with food. For some, caprylic acid may cause digestive upset, so start with a lower amount and work your way up.

Pau d’arco

The bark of the pau d’arco tree has antifungal properties to help combat candida overgrowth.  Recommended dosage is 2 grams, 3 times per day. Pau d’arco can be taken in capsule or tea form. 


Berberine is an alkaloid compound with strong antifungal effects against candida albicans.  A dosage of 500 mg, 2-3 times per day is a good place to start. Look for supplements containing berberine HCl or berberine sulfate. Berberine may interact with some medications, so check with your doctor.


Supplementing your candida cleanse with these herbal allies, in addition to a candida diet and probiotics, can help rebalance your gut flora and beat your candida overgrowth once and for all. Staying dedicated and patient through the process will pay off with renewed health and vitality.

Muscaro & Martini

6 Oral Injuries That Can Happen While Playing Sports

Early in life, parents and educators often push children and young people into organized sporting activities. The main concern for parents and caregivers is the risk of injury when playing the sport. Forty- percent of all oral injuries are associated with playing a sport, according to the American Medical Society for Sports Medicine. Understanding the most common oral injuries in sports can give coaches and parents an idea of what to look for when a trauma to the head occurs. 

1. Cracked Teeth

A dentist in Tampa FL will see several instances of cracked teeth, with most of these injuries caused by a blow to the face. Cracked teeth can take two forms, including craze lines and cracked crowns. Craze lines are not usually a concern for a dentist in Tampa FL, because they are tiny cracks in the enamel. The cracked crown is a concern and is characterized by pain when biting down. The damage done by a cracked crown includes occasional toothache growing worse over time. 

2. Jaw Dislocation

The common trauma experienced when playing sports is a cracked tooth, but oral injuries can include jaw damage. Injuries to the jaw can take more forms than just damaged teeth and gums, with a dislocated jaw seen by many oral health specialists. A dislocated jaw includes the inability to move the mouth following a popping sound during impact. In some cases, the dislocated jaw is easy to see because the face becomes misaligned.

3. Teeth Avulsions

There are several stories of those who have lost teeth having them reinserted by a dental professional. Teeth avulsions are lost teeth that are found at the site of the injury and reinserted by a dentist. The teeth should be reinserted by a dental professional within thirty minutes, with teeth stored in milk or a sterile solution lasting even longer. 

4. Tooth Displaced Within the Socket

A tooth still held within its socket but moved to a misaligned position can cause problems. In this rare occurrence, the most common treatment is to allow a physician to move the tooth back into its usual position before a dentist supplies treatment.

5. Fractured Roots

Colgate reports the issue of a fractured root is a difficult one. A fracture in the crown of a tooth is easy to identify, but those affecting the roots are harder to see. The athlete may be unaware of any fractured root because it develops in the root hidden beneath the gum line. Most patients with a fractured root only feel pain when an infection occurs.

6. Tooth Intrusion

Oral injuries do not need to include the loss of a tooth. In younger children, tooth intrusions can occur when the alveolar bones have yet hardened. A blow to the face can push a tooth inward and damage the root and socket. The damaged tooth can be injured to an extent where it begins to die without treatment.

Several oral injuries can be caused by a blow to the face needing the assistance of a dentist in Tampa FL. The use of helmets and mouthguard is recommended when playing sports where oral injuries are common.

Dr. Jan McBarron Fitness

Dr. Jan McBarron Explains How Bariatric Medicine and Fitness Work Together to Combat Obesity

Obesity is a serious public health concern in the US. It is a risk factor in illnesses such as cardiac arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, stroke, ventricular dysfunction and heart failure. According to NCBI, up to 66% of adults in the country are overweight or obese. The situation is worsened by revelations that $140 billion is spent annually to treat obesity and affiliated ailments. The amount represents 9% of all annual medical expenditures. Scientists are yet to fully uncover the real causes of obesity. However, there is a strong case for a combination of factors, including genetic, behavioral, metabolic and hormonal changes.

A case for weight loss in obese patients

A comprehensive weight loss program should take into consideration efforts to maintain proper weight and health, as well as prevent future weight gain. Effective weight loss programs like bariatric treatment and exercise can minimize the risk factors and severity of weight related ailments. A medical bariatric physician, also called bariatrician can help an obese patient follow through a weight loss program without surgical intervention or refer the patient for surgery if necessary. Bariatricians are specialist in treating obesity disorders.

As part of treatment, a bariatrician can suggest the following interventions: diet changes, behavioral therapy and measured physical activities. According to Obesity Action, the treatment can be divided into two parts, the assessment and management. The assessment is done to determine the patient’s obesity levels and health status. The management part covers weight loss activities, measures to control risk factors and body weight management.

The bariatrician will look at the patient’s medical history, laboratory tests and results of physical examination to ascertain the obesity level and health status. Laboratory testing is normally requested to analyze key health issues including thyroid function and cardiac status via an electrocardiogram, as well as other tests. The bariatrician will also provide necessary counseling and to help ensure the patient follows the weight loss plan.

The progress made in areas like physical activity and diet must be recorded to gauge progress. If there are any underlying risks, the bariatrician will monitor the patient and institute the necessary changes to keep the program on track. Bariatric treatment may also involve the use of medications to assist with appetite and portion control. When writing a prescription for weight loss, the physician will analyze the expected benefits and possible side effects. Other factors include the patient’s current health and medical history.

Recommended exercises to stay healthy and lose weight

Exercise is critical for anyone who wants to stay physically fit and healthy. According to the World Health Organization factsheet, people who exercise regularly have lower rates of mortality arising from Depression, Breast Cancer, Coronary Disease, Hypertension and more. Exercise can also reduce the likelihood of suffering hip and vertebral fracture. The following physical activities are recommended for adults:
• Physical activities: hiking, walking, gardening, dancing and swimming
• Mobility exercises: cycling, jogging and walking
• Occupational activities: work, household chores, planned exercises and playing games
Note; these exercises can be carried out at individual, family or group level

Even with all the listed efforts, it is important to recognize that obesity is a complex global issue. The strategies to control weight, including exercise also remain controversial and indefinite. The controversy stems from conflicting studies and varied responses from different schools of thought. However, people suffering from obesity generally require increased daily activity to achieve weight loss. The program may constitute strength training, cardio exercises and aerobics.

The intensity of training should also be low to modest. Indeed, a better outcome can be achieved by putting emphasis on the duration of training rather than intensity. For patients with a BMI of 35 and over, exercises that cause too much strain on the joints should be avoided. These exercises include aggressive contact sports, jumping and jogging. A professional weight trainer working with a bariatric physician can help a patient through every step of training.

Get the right expert attention!

Patients suffering from obesity and its related disorders continue to benefit from treatment programs offered by bariatric physicians. Dr. Jan McBarron (Duke and The Doctor) is a well-recognized and highly respected Bariatric Medical Doctor residing in Nevada. She earned her medical doctorate from Drexel University School of Medicine in Philadelphia and was recently recognized as “The Distinguished Alumni for Entrepreneurship”. With her husband she moved to Georgia where for over thirty years she specialized in Bariatric Medicine while co-hosting with her husband Duke, the award winning, nationally syndicated, health talk radio show, Duke and The Doctor.

Having relocated to Nevada, she continues working in public speaking, writing books, blogs, magazine articles as well as for social media, and in philanthropic initiatives thru her scholarship campaigns. While she enjoyed seeing patients individually in private practice, she feels her work now enables her to reach more people than ever.

dr. thomas v. taylor Long Life

Dr. Thomas Taylor Shares Tips for Living a Long and Healthy Life

In this country, many people age far worse than they should. They become feeble, with brittle bodies, wrinkles and poor muscle tone. They can barely get out of bed or their cars and walk around. They don’t feel well, so their quality of life is destroyed. How can this be reversed? In other countries, we hear about people living even to and above 100 years with health and vitality of body, mind and spirit.

In order to find out how people can achieve a healthy lifestyle and longevity, we spoke with Dr. Thomas Taylor, a retired bariatric surgeon. Dr. Taylor has written several books, including “Overcoming Obesity.” He is highly experienced in both gastric bypass and gastric sleeve procedures to help his patients lose weight. He also serves on the board of the American Diabetic Association.

Exercise –

According to MedicalNewsToday, exercise is not just for radiant physical health, it is also for our mental health. We are not utilizing our bodies to our natural capabilities when we fail to exercise most every day. Exercise helps us mentally by providing time for release and for time out and introspection. The simple act of taking a walk for 30 to 60 minutes each day helps and heals our bodies and minds.

According to Harvard Medical School, the four most important types of exercise to engage in every day include:

Aerobic exercise: This is the type of exercise that gets our blood pumping and puts a glow on our faces. Simple means of participating in aerobic exercise each day include brisk walking for 30 to 60 minutes, swimming, indoor aerobic exercises, water aerobics or cycling.

Benefits of aerobic exercise include lowered blood pressure, less body fat, lower blood sugar, lower bad cholesterol levels and healthier heart and lung function. Aerobic exercise improves our mood as well.

Strength training: Weight training does not have to be done with massively heavy weights, but it does need to be performed with weights such that one set has around 8 to 10 repetitions with strict form. If you can easily do more than 12 repetitions, increase the weight a tiny bit. Other strength training routines include calisthenics such as squats, lunges and push-ups.

Benefits of strength training include stronger muscles, good bone density, lower blood sugar, better posture and balance and stronger joints.

Stretching: Stretching should begin and end each exercise session. Stretching makes our muscles flexible, decreasing pain and the possibility of injury. Stretching is also a wonderful physical release when done carefully and properly.

Balance exercises: Balance exercises, such as tai chi and yoga, help our bodies support our weight more safely. They often help improve our core body strength.

Eat Well –

The U.K.’s National Health Service advises eight steps for more healthy eating:

Don’t overdo the calories: They advise around 2,500 calories of food for men each day and 2,000 for women.

Eat starchy carbohydrates: About a third of our food each day should be starchy carbohydrates, like bread, rice and potatoes.

Eat fruits and vegetables: We need about five portions of fruits and vegetables each day.

Eat more fish

Avoid saturated fats, sugar and too much salt

Stay hydrated: Drink six to eight glasses of safe water each day

Eat breakfast: You cannot lose weight by skipping breakfast. Try for more carbohydrates and a bit of skim milk or skim yogurt to accompany your carbohydrate.

Avoid Alcohol –

Alcohol is a poison to our bodies. It makes it harder to keep off excess fat, making it store in our mid-sections. It blinds us to our emotions. Also, according to LiveStrong.com, it can permanently damage our brains, heart, nervous system, liver and emotional stability. It can lead us into accidents, injury, dependence and even death.

Avoid Drugs –

The government of Canada encourages people to avoid drug use altogether. They cite the risk of addiction, the potential changes to how our brain works and the physical risk of going about life impaired. They suggest that people who have begun taking drugs to dull their emotions need to confront their feelings and even seek psychological help or the help of a family member if you are having deep feelings.

Our feelings are there to provide us warnings. We must not dull them but listen to their wise counsel.

Avoid Caffeine –

According to HealthLine, caffeine wrinkles our skin, alters our brain chemistry, causes anxiety and panic attacks, spikes our blood pressure, limits absorption of some nutrients and impairs our sleep. If we can’t get up each day without having artificial stimulus that is so dangerous, what about our lives do we need to change to make our lives happy, so we want to get out of bed each day? Tip: Answers are below.

Avoid Tobacco –

According to Smokefree.gov, immediate benefits that occur within 20 minutes of your last cigarette are that your body begins to clear out the toxins you just inhaled. In three days, the nicotine has left your body. As the toxins are leaving our bodies, we feel temporarily worse, rather than better.

Long-term help from quitting smoking includes reducing the risk of heart disease, 13 different types of cancer, stroke, bronchitis and emphysema. Also, your skin may return to normal health and not be prematurely wrinkled.

The Mayo Clinic urges smokers who wish to kick the habit to realize that the first five to 10 minutes of craving cigarettes are key because people who get past those few minutes are closer to the time when they don’t have those cravings any longer.

The Mayo Clinic also advises examining what types of situations cause the cravings and find better strategies to cope. For example, smoking to end anxiety is one trigger for cravings. Why not sit in your anxiety and find other means of working out your personal situation to not have such stress on a daily basis? Our emotions were given us for self- and planetary preservation. Try honoring those feelings instead, sitting in the feelings and seeing where the feelings lead us to in terms of healthy action.

Spend Time Outdoors Every Day –

Medical Daily cites a study that shows daily walks outdoors in nature reduce stress, improve mental health and improve sleep at night.

Share Love –

Passing it forward and random acts of kindness are not just pithy mantras. When one lives this as a part and parcel of one’s life, there is this power that we partake in that somehow makes us stronger than we would otherwise be. It also empowers others to do the same.

Find Something Outside of Yourself to Support and Sustain –

When you help others, you feel warm, loving and empowered inside. It gives you strength emotionally.

People who are outside every day enjoying nature, caring for others with their emotions and hearts, caring for their own bodies with healthy food and exercise are so full of nurturance that they sustain themselves in a healthy and happy manner, and they radiate this out to others. Dr. Thomas Taylor hopes for this lifestyle for all of his patients for the success and survival of our planet.

dr. donald littlejohn on alleviating back and neck pain

Donald Littlejohn Shares the Most Common Causes of Neck Pain

Neck pain can be an uncomfortable condition to deal with because of the effects that it could potentially have on activities of daily living. What makes neck pain a difficult condition to treat is that the pain itself is subjective.

There is no clear way to determine the intensity and height of discomfort that the pain could cause. What is important to try and avoid some of the most common causes of neck pain, so it does not become a chronic issue to deal with. For further information on this kind of pain and how to avoid it, you should consult an expert in the field like Dr. Donald Littlejohn.


A direct injury to the neck is one of the most common causes of neck pain. The neck happens to be one of the most vulnerable parts of the body, and when it comes to trauma that comes from falls and car accidents, there are limited ways to protect it. Direct contact with the neck could cause muscles and ligaments to be moved outside of their normal position, which could cause tremendous pain.

In addition, if there are fractures of the bones in the neck, also known as cervical vertebrae, the spinal cord could face residual damage as well. A common injury of the neck that takes place from car accidents is whiplash. This is what happens when the neck gets injured due to a sudden jerking of the head. This is fairly common in head-on collisions at high velocities.

Muscle Strain

Neck pain can also be triggered if you happen to have muscle strains. This is commonly seen in situations where the neck muscles are being overused. This can be precipitated by engaging in a poor neck position for activities such as computer or office work. If this is done for hours on end, this can cause a tremendous strain on the neck, causing aches and pain later.

The pain associated with muscle strains can be made even worse with movement. Other conditions that can be associated with muscle strains include muscle spasms, headaches and restriction of neck movement due to the pain.

Degenerative Disc Disease

This is a condition that many may suffer from as the body ages. Over time, the gelatinous center of the discs in our spines dry out. This can cause an intense narrowing and a decrease in the distance between each vertebra. This has been known to cause chronic pain in the neck as the patient ages.

Cervical Spondylosis

Another degenerative condition that can predispose to neck pain is cervical spondylosis. This is a condition involving the cervical spine in which the gradual wear and tear begins to take its toll.

What makes this condition difficult to deal with is that along with cervical spondylosis, bone spurs will often develop. Bone spurs are small growths of tissue that grow outward. The spurs are actually meant to protect the surface of the bone, but these spurs can also be harmful because they can press on nerve roots as they depart the spinal canal.

Cervical spondylosis also does not come with any obvious symptoms, but neck pain soon follows after and may potentially radiate to the shoulder blades.

Cervical Spinal Canal Stenosis

The vertebrae can suffer from degenerative changes as well, and pressure can be applied upon the spinal cord. The neck pain that is associated with this activity is exacerbated with movement and physical activity. Weakness in the arms or legs could also occur.

Just like cervical spondylosis, there are no obvious symptoms with this condition. However, on occasion there may be the sensation of Lhermitte’s sign. This is a physical, electric shock like feeling when the neck is bent in a forward manner.

Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

The temporomandibular joint is what gives you the ability to open and close your jaw on command. If there is damage to this joint, it may cause neck pain. Damage here can cause headaches, difficulty opening the mouth, ear pain and a popping sound upon movement of the jaw. All of these activities could potentially cause extra strain on the neck and cause discomfort.

It is recommended that if there is damage here, to eat softer foods, apply heat to the jaw for at least half an hour twice a day and to avoid unnecessary chewing. For more information on all of the possible causes of neck pain, you could consult expert information from your local chiropractor or specialist, such as Donald Littlejohn.

Myofascial Pain

After a neck injury, myofascial pain can develop. This is the kind of pain that comes from tender areas of muscle that can be sensitive to touch with applied pressure. They come through trigger points and can be tangibly felt. When these specific trigger points are pressed, they can become very painful and radiate to other parts of the body. Neck pain is commonly associated with myofascial pain and can gradually grow worse over time.

Central Cord Syndrome

If the spinal cord is damaged due to a neck injury, it can result in serious neck pain and decreased range of motion. Central cord syndrome happens when this part of the body is injured. Sometimes, there may be a tumor that is embedded within the spinal cord that causes the problem.

In severe cases of this syndrome, people may suffer from poor bladder control, difficulty walking and sexual dysfunction. Central cord syndrome affects more than just spinal nerve roots and can affect the human body in other ways beyond just the neck.

As you can see, there are many conditions and events that can predispose to neck pain. The neck is one of the most vulnerable parts of the body, and serious damage to this area can result in not only severe neck pain, but damaging symptoms throughout the entire body.

Premier Allergy Discusses Breakthrough Treatments for People With Food Allergies

If your child is allergic to peanuts, he or she is not alone as peanut allergy is one of the most common food allergies in America; according to a study published by Business Insider, an American financial and business news website, nearly 2 million American children are allergic to peanuts. As parents, we naturally want the very best for our children, which includes not having to deprive them of foods that they would otherwise enjoy. As it stands, there is currently no FDA-approved treatment for peanut allergies other than an emergency epinephrine injections, which are used to combat the severe reactions caused by accidental exposure.

Eliminating peanuts from one’s diet can be difficult and requires more than just avoiding jars of peanut butter. After all, many foods contain peanuts in one form or another. Some of the most common peanut-containing foods include cookies, cereals, granola bars, and certain grain bread. Fortunately, breakthrough treatments, which promises to enable those with peanut allergies to indulge in peanut-containing foods without the threat of a severe allergic reaction, is said to be on the horizon.


Although not officially approved by the FDA, there is currently a vaccine available that may help those struggling with peanut allergies. According to a study, which was published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology and conducted by scientists at the famed University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, the vaccine designed to alter the immune response to peanuts was shown to be effective when tested on mice, and researchers believe that these positive benefits may be translatable to humans.

According to lead researcher Jessica O’Koneck, the vaccine is said to work by helping to combat the faulty immune reaction that causes the body to produce an excessive amount of immunoglobulin E, antibodies that are produced by the immune system, in response to being exposed to peanuts or peanut-containing foods. It should be noted that research is still ongoing; however, the promise of a vaccine capable of resolving peanut allergies may soon be a reality. These early findings are of great interest to allergy clinics across the nation, especially Premier Allergy, a well-regarded allergy clinic based in Columbus, OH that is routinely looking for new ways to help treat patients with severe allergies.


In addition to a promising new vaccine, oral immunotherapy for the treatment of peanut allergies is also said to be on the horizon as well. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, which involved experts from numerous research institutions, an oral immunotherapy drug called AR101 is proving to be a viable treatment for those struggling with peanut allergies. The study, which included participants between the ages of 4 and 17, found that 80 percent of those who were exposed to peanuts and were given AR101 experienced a marked increase in their tolerance to peanuts.

Similar to the new vaccine intended for peanut allergies, more research is needed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of this new oral immunotherapy for peanut allergies. However, early results look quite promising. And as with any other breakthrough treatment, you can be assured that Premier Allergy is waiting to see what becomes of this potentially new way of treating peanut allergies as well.

If you or your child is struggling with peanut allergies or food allergies of any kind, you’re encouraged to schedule an appointment with Premier Allergy today.

Dr Thomas Ocheltree Oral Surgeon

Thomas Ocheltree Gives a Glimpse into the Daily Routine of an Oral Surgeon

Oral surgeons and dentists specialize in taking care of teeth, gums and the mouth. According to WebMD, the conditions that may be treated by an oral surgeon include impacted teeth, tooth loss and jaw-bone related problems. The other conditions include cleft lip and cleft palate repair, facial injury repair, snoring/sleep apnea correction, facial infections and lesion removal and biopsy. Impacted teeth usually occur when the third molars do not emerge on the gum line as expected. Dr. Thomas Ocheltree, an oral surgeon in Bloomington, Illinois, explains that patients with this condition may experience pain and swelling and develop gum infection. 

Dentists and oral surgeons may suggest dental implant to treat tooth loss. The treatment is often seen as a good alternative to dentures and bridges. During the implantation process, the surgeon anchors the implant along the jawbone so as to place the artificial teeth. Common jawbone problems include unequal jaw growth and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders. TMJ is essentially a joint located on the front of the ear, at the juncture where the lower jaw adjoins the skull. A dysfunction in the TMJ can cause several problems including facial pain and headaches. 

Duties and daily routine of oral surgeons and dentists

Oral and maxillofacial surgeons are generally expected to work long hours and be on call around the clock to cover serious maxillofacial trauma cases and other medical emergencies. The medical professionals need strong interpersonal skills and comprehensive medical understanding to work efficiently. The care and treatment by the surgeons cover the head, jaw and mouth. According to Career Planner, the basic duties of oral and maxillofacial surgeons include:

• Administration of general and local anesthetics
• Working with a professional team constituting orthodontists and restorative dentists to craft treatment plans
• Extracting damaged, impacted and non-restorable teeth
• Undertaking emergency treatments of various facial injuries, including fractured facial bones, facial lacerations and intra-oral lacerations.
• Treat infections of the oral cavity, neck, jaws and salivary glands
• Perform mouth and jaw surgery for patients suffering cleft lip and palate and growth problems affecting the jaw.
• Perform surgery to prepare for dental implant and work out strategies to support the regeneration of deficient gum tissues and bones.
• Restoration of bone, skin and nerve functions in order to reconstruct the face and the jaw.
• Perform minor cosmetic procedures such as minor facial rejuvenation, cheekbone and chin enhancements. Popular facial rejuvenation techniques include laser technology and Botox. 

The professional life of a dentist and oral surgeon is very similar to that of other medical professionals. A brief highlight of what an oral surgeon does on a typical day includes performing surgery on the mouth, jaws, head, neck and head. These operations are critical in correcting abnormalities of the jaw, removing tumors and abnormal growths as well as extracting a problematic tooth. Because of the growing perception about hygiene and health, many dental practitioners have evolved their trade to include cosmetic care. The work done by dentists and oral surgeons also includes many aspects of management and administration.

According to the Princeton Review, dentists and oral surgeons typically work 7 to 10 hours a day. A significant time of the day is spent educating patients on the best ways to create and preserve a healthy mouth. Dentists often encourage patients to go for frequent checkups as a way to maintain good health and minimize the risk of oral diseases. In the afternoons, most dentists spend time filing insurance claims and managing paperwork. Dentists and oral surgeons working in private clinics and practices spend a lot of money on rent and insurance premiums. The other cost implications go into maintaining qualified staff and purchasing drugs and equipment. 

Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in Illinois

Dr. Thomas Ocheltree is an experienced oral and maxillofacial surgeon working at Doran, Capodice, Efaw and Ocheltree, LLC. The practice mostly performs specialized oral surgery, facial cosmetic surgery and dental implants. The other services available include tooth extraction, socket preservation, bone grafting, jawbone health and impacted wisdom teeth treatment. Besides clinical treatment, Thomas spends a good part of his workdays scheduling exams, making follow-ups and recommending referrals for patients with serious facial trauma cases and other rising emergencies. 

The practice is based in Bloomington, Illinois and serves the larger surrounding community. The decision to have the treatment center in Bloomington is largely because the four partnering doctors grew up in the area and wanted to give back to the community. Thomas did his oral and maxillofacial surgery training at the Southern Illinois University School of Dental Medicine. Prior to that, he attended Augustana College and graduated in 1993. For his residency, Dr. Thomas Ocheltree went to Christiana Care Health Systems. He currently lives in Illinois with his family. 

What is an Orthopedist?

Many people have heard of an orthopedist before. However, they are unaware of what an orthopedist actually does. Fortunately, Dr. Gregg Schellack DO has provided us with some important information on orthopedist and the many benefits of visiting one. 

What is an Orthopedist?

An orthopedist is a medical professional who focuses on correcting injuries that are associated with the spine. You will find Gregg Schellack Orthopedist working on individuals who have spinal deformities, injuries, and many more skeletal problems. His line of work aims to restore symmetry to the body. However, there are many causes of imbalance to the musculoskeletal system. Let’s take a look at some of these problems and how an orthopedist can help you.

Causes of Musculoskeletal Complications

One of the biggest causes of musculoskeletal complications is physical injuries. There are dozens of athletes who become injured and will need to seek the help of an orthopedist to help them recover. However, there are also other complications that may end up causing bodily discomfort and pain. Skeletal deformities that happen over time or at birth can end up creating complications for an individual. They will need to seek help from a licensed orthopedist to help manage their pain and restore balance to their bodies.

Different Types of Orthopedic Practices

It should be noted that there are different forms of orthopedic services available. One of the most common types of orthopedic services is orthopedic surgeries. These orthopedic surgeons will end up in school for over 14 years of professional education to provide the highest quality of orthopedic services. You may also find individuals who specialize in specific areas of the body. Feet, hips, shoulders, and more are common areas of specialization that an orthopedic surgeon may decide to focus his or her practice on.

However, there are also other non-invasive forms of orthopedic practice. A rheumatologist is someone who assists individuals who are suffering from arthritis and other bone degenerating conditions. Rheumatologists are trained to identify these conditions before they ever happen and provide treatment to ease conditions. 

Finally, a physical therapist provides orthopedic services in the form of recovery. Physical therapists may end up helping someone regain function of their body parts after they have sustained a serious injury. This type of orthopedist will work with a patient for some time to ensure that they receive the treatment they need. This type of therapy can last for months to years. It all depends on the severity of the injury that the patient experienced.

The Importance of Working With an Orthopedist

We depend on our bodies to function properly each day in order to complete our daily tasks. However, many people will end up neglecting the aches and pains that their body begins to experience. They will oftentimes not seek treatment. This can lead to problems becoming more severe in time. This is why it is important to speak with your professional orthopedist to determine the best course of action whenever it comes to receiving treatment. They will provide you with the medical consultation and advice you need to get your life back on track.

Dr. Gregg Shellack’s Insight

No one understands the world of orthopedic medicine better than Dr. Gregg Shellack. he has spent the majority of his professional life helping people recover from various physical ailments. This article was designed to provide you with insight on orthopedics and why you should visit one if you are experiencing bodily pain. A medical professional will be able to assess your condition and assist you with your recovery process.